IT/ㄴ Ruckus

[RCNI] Ruckus Switch 정보 확인 [ICX150 Student Guide]

TIENE 2023. 12. 2. 16:42




1. Stack 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show stack


***** Warning! stack is not enabled. *****


T=1h43m7.0: alone: standalone, D: dynamic cfg, S: static

ID   Type          Role    Mac Address    Pri State   Comment                  

1  S ICX7250-24    alone   609c.9f93.d7c0   0 local   None:0




     | 1 |                                                                    


Current stack management MAC is 609c.9f93.d7c0 

2. Module 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show module

       Module                                         Status Ports Starting MAC 

U1:M1  ICX7250-24 24-port Management Module             OK     24   609c.9f93.d7c0

U1:M2  ICX7250-SFP-Plus 8-port 80G Module               OK     8    609c.9f93.d7d9

3. Flash 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show flash

Stack unit 1:

  Compressed Pri Code size = 33554432, Version:08.0.95gT213 (SPR08095g.bin)

  Compressed Sec Code size = 33554432, Version:08.0.95gT213 (SPR08095g.bin)

  Compressed Pri Boot Code size = 786944, Version:10.1.24T215 (spz10124)

  Compressed Sec Boot Code size = 786944, Version:10.1.24T215 (spz10124)

  Code Flash Free Space = 1662136320

4.  Version 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show version

  Copyright (c) Ruckus Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.

    UNIT 1: compiled on May  6 2022 at 23:28:37 labeled as SPR08095g

      (33554432 bytes) from Primary SPR08095g.bin (UFI)

        SW: Version 08.0.95gT213

      Compressed Primary Boot Code size = 786944, Version:10.1.24T215 (spz10124)

       Compiled on Thu Apr 21 06:08:36 2022


  HW: Stackable ICX7250-24


UNIT 1: SL 1: ICX7250-24 24-port Management Module

      Serial  #:DUH3802N03A

      Software Package: ICX7250_BASE_L3_SOFT_PACKAGE   (LID: fwjINFHpFIc)

      Current License: l3-base 

      P-ASIC  0: type B344, rev 01  Chip BCM56344_A0


UNIT 1: SL 2: ICX7250-SFP-Plus 8-port 80G Module


 1000 MHz ARM processor ARMv7 88 MHz bus

    8 MB boot flash memory

    2 GB code flash memory

    2 GB DRAM

STACKID 1  system uptime is 1 hour(s) 52 minute(s) 38 second(s)

The system started at 02:34:08 GMT+00 Tue Nov 14 2023


The system : started=factory reset   reloaded=by "factory reset"

5.  Dir 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show dir

Type       Size   Name


F        33554432 primary

F        33554432 secondary

F             256 primary.sig

F             586 startup-config.backup

F             542 startup-config.txt

F          162204 poe-fw

F               0 icx_dhcp_snoop.db

F               0 icx_dhcpv6_snoop.db

F            1576 $$ssh8rsahost.key

F             256 secondary.sig


67274284 bytes 10 File(s) in FI root


1662136320 bytes free in FI root

6.  Files 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show files

Type       Size   Name


F        33554432 primary

F        33554432 secondary

F             256 primary.sig

F             542 startup-config.backup

F             668 startup-config.txt

F          162204 poe-fw

F               0 icx_dhcp_snoop.db

F               0 icx_dhcpv6_snoop.db

F            1576 $$ssh8rsahost.key

F             256 secondary.sig


67274366 bytes 10 File(s) in FI root


1662136320 bytes free in FI root

7.  Mac-address 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show mac-address

Total active entries from all ports = 1

MAC-Address     Port                 Type         VLAN

a8a1.59da.2c7d  1/1/1                Dynamic      1   

8.  Mac-address Port 별 통계 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show mac-address statistics

Total entries  = 1

Port MAC Address Count:


Unit  Module  Ports

1     1     1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8      

            1       0       0       0       0       0       0       0      


Unit  Module  Ports

1     1     9       10      11      12      13      14      15      16     

            0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0      


Unit  Module  Ports

1     1     17      18      19      20      21      22      23      24     

            0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0      


Unit  Module  Ports

1     2     1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8      

            0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0    

9.  포트 Packet In/Out 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show statistics


Port             In Packets       Out Packets       In Errors      Out Errors

1/1/1                  1605              2382               0               0

1/1/2                     0                 0               0               0

1/1/3                     0                 0               0               0

1/1/4                     0                 0               0               0

1/1/5                     0                 0               0               0

1/1/6                     0                 0               0               0

1/1/7                     0                 0               0               0

1/1/8                     0                 0               0               0

1/1/9                     0                 0               0               0

1/1/10                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/11                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/12                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/13                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/14                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/15                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/16                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/17                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/18                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/19                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/20                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/21                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/22                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/23                    0                 0               0               0

1/1/24                    0                 0               0               0

1/2/1                     0                 0               0               0

1/2/2                     0                 0               0               0

1/2/3                     0                 0               0               0

1/2/4                     0                 0               0               0

1/2/5                     0                 0               0               0

1/2/6                     0                 0               0               0

1/2/7                     0                 0               0               0

1/2/8                     0                 0               0               0

mgmt1                 18888               396               0               0


TOTAL                 20493              2778               0               0

10.  Telnet 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show telnet

Telnet server status: Disabled

Telnet connections (inbound):

 1      closed

 2      closed

 3      closed

 4      closed

 5      closed

 6      closed

 7      closed

 8      closed

 9      closed

 10     closed

Telnet connections (outbound):

 11     closed

 12     closed

 13     closed

 14     closed

 15     closed

11.  LACP 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show lag

No LAG available.

12.  VLAN 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show vlan

Total PORT-VLAN entries: 2

Maximum PORT-VLAN entries: 1024


Legend: [Stk=Stack-Id, S=Slot]


PORT-VLAN 1, Name DEFAULT-VLAN, Priority level0, On

 Untagged Ports: (U1/M1)   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12

 Untagged Ports: (U1/M1)  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24


 Untagged Ports: (U1/M2)   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8

   Tagged Ports: None

 Mac-Vlan Ports: None

     Monitoring: Disabled

PORT-VLAN 10, Name [None], Priority level0, Off

 Untagged Ports: None

   Tagged Ports: None

 Mac-Vlan Ports: None

     Monitoring: Disabled

13.  User 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show user


Username                                        Password                           Encrypt   Priv Status   Expire Time


super                                           $1$zI7KPw9k$AciBrRTWwmBoRolfwpQ2.0 enabled   0    enabled  Never

14.  Chassis 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show chassis

The stack unit 1 chassis info:


Power supply 1 (AC - Regular) present, status ok

Power supply 2 not present


Fan ok, speed (auto): [[1]]<->2


Fan controlled temperature: 69.0 deg-C


Fan speed switching temperature thresholds:

                Speed 1: NM<----->98       deg-C

                Speed 2:       67<----->105 deg-C (shutdown)


Fan 1 Air Flow Direction:  Front to Back

Slot 1 Current Temperature: 69.0 deg-C (Sensor 1)

Slot 2 Current Temperature: NA

        Warning level.......: 100.0 deg-C

        Shutdown level......: 105.0 deg-C

Boot Prom MAC : 609c.9f93.d7c0

Management MAC: 609c.9f93.d7c0

15.  PoD 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show pod   Show port on demand information


Unit-Id: 1   

PoD license capacity:  0    

PoD license capacity used:   0


PoD-ports    Lic-Available Lic-Used   

1/2/1      No              No        

1/2/2      No              No        

1/2/3      No              No        

1/2/4      No              No        

1/2/5      No              No        

1/2/6      No              No        

1/2/7      No              No        

1/2/8      No              No        

15.  Memory 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show memory

Stack unit 1:

Total DRAM: 2094768128 bytes

  Dynamic memory: 2094768128 bytes total, 1501773824 bytes free, 28% used

16.  Memory 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show cpu

1 percent busy, from 5473 sec ago

1   sec avg:  1 percent busy

5   sec avg:  1 percent busy

60  sec avg:  1 percent busy

300 sec avg:  1 percent busy

17.  Boot 버전 및 상태 정보 확인

Pod4-SW3#show boot-monitor

Stack unit 1:

Current Version :  10.1.24

Recommended Version:  10.1.24

Pod4-SW3#show boot-preference

Boot system preference(Configured):

        Use Default


Boot system preference(Default):

        Boot system flash primary

        Boot system flash secondary

18.  PoE 정보 확인

7150-C12#show poe

Power Capacity:         Total is 124000 mWatts. Current Free is 124000 mWatts.

Power Allocations:      Requests Honored 12 times


 Port   Admin   Oper    ---Power(mWatts)---  PD Type  PD Class     Pri  Fault/

        State   State   Consumed  Allocated                             Error


  1/1/1 On      Non-PD         0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

  1/1/2 On      Non-PD         0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

  1/1/3 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

  1/1/4 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

  1/1/5 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

  1/1/6 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

  1/1/7 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

  1/1/8 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

  1/1/9 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

 1/1/10 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

 1/1/11 On      Non-PD         0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a

 1/1/12 On      Off            0          0  n/a      n/a            3  n/a


 Total                         0          0


